E-Contracts. Trade
with Confidence.

TradeOut is an Online Platform that aims to reduce the risk of fraud or scams for online marketplace purchases. We validate the identity of every user that uses our platform. If anything goes wrong during a TradeOut transaction, TradeOut provides an opportunity to get your money back!

For Marketplace Platforms LiKE
Safe Resell
Facebook Marketplace
How it works

Buying And Selling Made Easy


Create a contract by autofilling your information that can be easily edited to fit the purchase terms


Open up or lockdown parts of the contract to control what others can edit, TradeOut will e-mail the contract to the other party.


Edit contract in real-time and chat within the contract. TradeOut will send notifications to parties whenever changes are made.


Sign the contract digitally!


Arrange the final exchange through TradeOut, use our checklist system to verify everyone is satisfied with the exchange, and the transaction will automatically save to your TradeOut account.

Don't Let This Be You!

Take control of your transactions and help protect yourself from scams by using TradeOut's secure and convenient platform to document your sale or purchase.
In 2021, one in four people who reported losing their money to fraud attributed it to social media 

Federal Trade Commission

An estimated $440 million was lost by Zelle users through frauds and scams in 2021

CNN Bussiness

A significant number of consumers continued to lose money when targeted by online purchase scams (74.8%) in 2021

Better Business Bureau

Why Choose Us

We offer simplicity, security, and control through our easy contract and pre-payment solution to help make your marketplace transactions smoother.

Smooth and Continuous Transactions

Tell us what you want to buy or sell and we'll generate you a contract in seconds

Peace of Mind

Our contracts are legally binding to protect you and the other party providing you an opportunity to get your money back in case anything bad happens

Frequently Asked Questions

Is TradeOut an online marketplace platform like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace?

No, TradeOut is not an online marketplace. We verify the identity of users and provide the tools and resources they need to complete contracts for purchase and sale transactions on their own, including a wide range of payment options for the buyer. By using TradeOut, you can confidently and conveniently conduct online sales and purchases with peace of mind.

How do buyers pay for the exchanges?

We recommend that buyers pay with online services that both the buyer and seller agree with. Tradeout is working hard to implement a quick and easy pre-payment that centralizes the transaction from the first to the last step.

How do Contracts protect me from fraud?

Contracts provide a clear and legally binding agreement between the buyer and seller that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. This includes details such as the item being sold, the price, and any warranties or guarantees. Having a contract in place helps to ensure that both parties are held accountable and have a clear understanding of their obligations. If any disputes arise, the contract serves as evidence of the agreement and can be used to resolve the issue. We believe that the contracts are an important tool for facilitating safe and successful transactions and encourage all users to take advantage of this feature.

How do I know I will get my money back if something goes wrong with the transaction?

At TradeOut, we prioritize the protection of our users' funds and take quick action to resolve any issues that may arise. If you have a problem with a transaction, we will work with you and the payment processor you used to ensure that you receive your money back as soon as possible.

We provide the necessary materials and support to the payment processor to verify the issue and determine who is at fault. If you are entitled to a refund, you can be confident that you will receive it promptly.

How much does it cost to use the platform?

TradeOut Does not charge for creating contracts and is free to use

When will TradeOut be available?

We are excited to bring TradeOut to users and are working hard to make it the best platform it can be. We are currently live for Minnesota based transactions

We will keep you updated on our progress and will update users as we launch to more states as soon as possible.

In what states are TradeOuts Contracts binding:

TradeOut contracts are currently only available for Minnesota-based transactions. We will keep everyone updated on our progress and will announce as we launch to more states as soon as possible.

Who should I contact if I have any questions or need help using TradeOut?

Please contact help@tradeout.us with details and anything relevant to the situation at hand